Marvel Comics and DC Comics at the international Publishing Book Fair, chapter 2

Marvel Comics and DC Comics at the international Publishing Book Fair, chapter 2
Comic book’s creator in Marvel’s hall at the International Publishing Book fair 2024
Comic book’s creator in Marvel’s hall at the International Publishing Book fair 2024

Interview with the writer, producer and director, Ayoub Qanir , present for the second time in Morocco at the international Publishing Book Fair in Rabat.

Comic book’s creator in Marvel’s hall at the International Publishing Book fair 2024
Comic book’s creator in Marvel’s hall at the International Publishing Book fair 2024

Interview with the writer, producer and director, Ayoub Qanir , present for the second time in Morocco at the international Publishing Book Fair in Rabat.

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Marvel Comics and DC Comics at the international Publishing Book Fair, chapter 2
Comic book’s creator in Marvel’s hall at the International Publishing Book fair 2024
Comic book’s creator in Marvel’s hall at the International Publishing Book fair 2024

Interview with the writer, producer and director, Ayoub Qanir , present for the second time in Morocco at the international Publishing Book Fair in Rabat.

His idea of having a Marvel hall at the fair went successfully, and this edition is bringing more surprises to this “art museum” as he likes to call it. The walls are printed in Red, with Marvel and DC posters all over, and statues of well known Dc and Marvel Comics Superheroes. The eyes are mesmerized, the ears are also tingled with Marvel’s anthem,  all creating an immersive environment making any visitor develop a 2.0 Stendhal Syndrom.


Both movies and comics push the young public to get more involved in reading, by giving them the incentive to start. Ayoub Qanir states  “visual reading is so interesting that a lot of artists, working in the field today, state that reading comics inspires them. So I think if we can push that idea with moroccans youth, we can inject a push up  to open young public minds and activate their imagination. It’s not as boring as reading a book. Here the young is reading as he is dreaming and seeing himself in these universes and these beautiful pages of comics.  So if we can launch or inspire youth to start reading through comic books, and then eventually also evolve to read other types of books.”


He tells of adventures and stories from all around the world, Ayoub Qanir the explorer filmmaker, gets his inspiration out of curiosity, and said I think as a child I’ve always been a big fan of exploring adventures. I’ve grown up watching phenomenal adventure films. I always loved comic books. In fact, since I was a kid, I ve always been drawing. I used to have my notepad where I was drawing all sorts of characters. And it’s fascinating that 20 years later, I am here bringing that experience at a larger scale, to the Moroccan future, to the next generation of kids that we can impact and touch. It’s a really beautiful circle when I get to think about it. My inspiration comes from there. It comes from allowing the child within to always dream big, to always take risks and wanna find out what the other side looks like. What is across the horizon? What do other cultures think like? What do they eat? What do they look like? Are we similar? Are we different? Usually, these are questions that drive me to want to go to Mongolia to make a movie, go to Iceland to make a movie. These movies when I make them in Mongolia or in Iceland or in Tokyo, they’re always in the mother language”


Furthermore, Ayoub Qanir revealed to the book fair’s journal his upcoming work. A phenomenal adventure where a young Moroccan is dreaming to become an Air Force pilot of the Moroccan Air Force Academy. The movie under the name of  “The Black Pearl”, is going to start shooting in September 2024.

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