A promising celebration of diverse cultural expressions

A promising celebration of diverse cultural expressions
The minister Mohamed Mehdi Bensaid announcing the 28th edition of SIEL. 19th May 2023, Rabat

Promising to be a celebration of literature, culture, and knowledge, Rabat, the African Capital of Culture prepares to host the 28th edition of the International Publishing Book Fair: SIEL.

The minister Mohamed Mehdi Bensaid announcing the 28th edition of SIEL. 19th May 2023, Rabat

Promising to be a celebration of literature, culture, and knowledge, Rabat, the African Capital of Culture prepares to host the 28th edition of the International Publishing Book Fair: SIEL.

The international publishing book fair (Siel)
The international publishing book fair (Siel)
A promising celebration of diverse cultural expressions
The minister Mohamed Mehdi Bensaid announcing the 28th edition of SIEL. 19th May 2023, Rabat

Promising to be a celebration of literature, culture, and knowledge, Rabat, the African Capital of Culture prepares to host the 28th edition of the International Publishing Book Fair: SIEL.

Rabat, the African capital of culture, sets the stage once again this year for the international publishing book fair on its 28th edition organized under the High Patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, "The 28th edition of the International Publishing and Book Fair (SIEL) will mark progress in terms of the number of participating countries, the venue hosting this event, and the cultural program." These are the words of the minister of youth culture and communication Mohamed Mehdi Bensaid conveying his excitement about the upcoming event during a press conference held Friday, May 19th in the gallery of Bab Erouah in Rabat.


The book fair is scheduled to be held at the OLM Souissi space in Rabat, following the impressive success of the previous edition hosted in the city. The Minister acknowledged the significance of the previous event, emphasizing that its triumph played a pivotal role in the decision to organize the fair in Rabat once again this year. Mr. Bensaid proudly reveals that the revenue generated during the 2022 edition reached 150 million dirhams. A figure that brought positive feedback from publishers, some of whom expressed their satisfaction during the conference. The success of the latest edition was also evident through the remarkable turnout of visitors, further solidifying the city's suitability as a venue for the SIEL.


 Inclusivity and accessibility

This particular edition of the international publishing book fair (SIEL) will bring together 737 exhibitors, representing 51 countries. These participants will showcase a diverse selection of over 120.000 titles, offering a wide range of cultural and multidisciplinary content, as revealed by Latifa Moftaqir, the commissioner of the Book Fair and Director of Books at the Department of Culture. With numbers surpassing those of the previous year, the choice of Rabat as the permanent host of Siel is further solidified.

Ms. Moftakir shared that the International Publishing Book Fair is dedicated to promoting a reading culture and ensuring accessibility for all. As part of this commitment, a variety of amenities and discounted transportation options is offered, including buses and trains, to enhance visitors' experience. Notably, this edition will take a step further by providing free access to the fair for individuals with disabilities, prioritizing inclusivity, and accessibility as a primary concern.


Multi-cultural diversity in focus


The International Publishing Book Fair is dedicated to promoting rich and diverse African literature as part of the grand celebration of "Rabat, African Capital of Culture." By actively encouraging the inclusion of African works, the fair aims to showcase the profound literary heritage of the continent. "The African literature will be strongly represented through a large booth at this 28th edition Mr. Bensaid stated at the conference, adding that the event will be further enriched by the presence of Wole Soyinka, the Nigerian writer who holds the distinction of being the very first African to win a Nobel prize in 1986 as a significant figure that represents the profound roots of continent’s literature. This lines up with King Mohammed VI’s vision to promote south-south cooperation and Morocco’s African cultural heritage and values.

Another collaboration was highlighted during the conference, namely Morocco and Canada.

The minister of youth culture and communication, in his speech, shed light on the significance of fostering collaboration between the publishing sectors of Morocco and Quebec. Furthermore, he stated that this event is a great opportunity for both countries to enhance and strengthen their cultural exchange. This collaboration is particularly accentuated as it coincides with the commemoration of the sixtieth anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Morocco and Canada.

Myriam Paquette-Côté, Representative of the Quebec Office in Rabat shared her aspirations for Quebec participation in Siel “I hope visitors of the Quebec pavilion will have the opportunity to connect with the authors, engage in meaningful discussions, and gain a deeper understanding of Quebec culture” she reveals.

By adopting a strategy of inclusion and accessibility that aligns with the minister of culture’s vision to “make books accessible for all”, the international publishing book fair continues to establish itself as a significant cultural platform that enriches the literary landscape of Morocco and extends its influence beyond.

 Shams Ghadbane, ISIC

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