Originally written by Lawrence Harris, “With Mulai Abdel Hafid At Fez” is a book translated to Arabic for the first time by the Moroccan journalist Youness Jennouhi, who works at Al Akhbar. A book signing session was organized by Agora publishings. This book sums up the diaries of Lawrence Harris, telling the story of his journey in Morocco. Mr Harris was the first to ever paint a portrait of Mulai Abdel Hafid right after his crowning. He developed a close bond with him throughout his time staying in Morocco. In September 1908, his adventure first started when he came to Morocco to simply interview Mulai Abdel Hafid for a London based media.
He met many ministers, councerlors diplomats and ambassadors but also a lot of commoners to get to know life in Morocco from different perspectives. This book combines both funny stories and history documented through Lawrence Harris’ experiences. It is available at the International Publishing and Book Fair, signed by the translator, Mr Youness Jennouhi. “The importance of this book lies not totally in documenting the life of the sultan, but also in documenting the life of ordinary people” concluded Youness Jennouhi.